Friday, January 18, 2008

What the heck?!

I am not sure what has happened to the side of Jase's finger but he has a little infection. This was taken several days ago so now it is drying up. How the heck does this happen? Pretty gnarly, huh?

Here is Jase telling me he is sleepy. And how cool is that shirt? A friend of mine gave it to him and it's one shirt made to look like two. Those are some handsome jeans...hand-me-downs from William.


Anonymous said...

You dress him so 'macho'. I like those shirts and especially when you roll up his sleeves half way up he looks like he means business.

Anonymous said...

OUCH! It looks like a hang nail that Jase tried to bite off and it got infected...OUCH!LOVE TITI Liany

Anonymous said...

Kiss him for Grammy!!!! Love you all LOTZ!!! Grammy

Meaghan said...

super cute jeans! and that is one crazy infection! did it hurt?

Mrs. V said...

Probably just some dirt in a open wound. I love his signing....I can't wait to see when he asks for Mommy when you're not around.
I think I am going to steal him, but I'll have to share time with Grammy. Hey, Grammy, you need to move to Georgia if you want more Jase time. He is a special boy and will bring you great joy, whatever is keeping you in up North let it go!