Monday, May 14, 2007

look at me!!


titi said...

Jase you reminde me of a little rolly polly toy. You are doing very good at sitting. I like those sleepers you are wearing.

love great titi liany night night now...

Meaghan said...

ha ha ha! what a great video!! he is the cutest! by the he farting?

carmen said...

no! that was me making noises trying to get his attention. that really would have been funny though if it was him farting.

Anonymous said...

Cute video. I like what his legs did when he fell over the first time. I also liked all the talking.

Anonymous said...

His falls crack me up!!

Anonymous said...

How cute!!! Does he have a round bump? ;-)

Btw. He looks just like Isak did a couple of months ago. Its strange!

Anonymous said...

How cute you are, Pumpkin!
He doesn't really sit up, yet, but he doesn't mind falling/rolling, either. He has a lot to say, too. Did I already say he was sooo cute??