Jase went to school both Monday and Wednesday this week and I will admit it's been hard letting him go. He has been crying and reaching out for me saying "mama" when I hand him over to the teacher. Today I suggested that I stay for a minute in the class with him and she said that "No, that is not a good idea, it works better if the parents just leave." Okay this may have been easier to take if I was not pregnant and tired from not sleeping so great!!!! A big knot got in my throat and tears filled my eyes as I tried to book it out of there before someone saw me. Then I realized I had forgotten to sign him in so I had to turn back around. The teacher had given him his pacifier and a cookie and he was following her and not screaming anymore. This made me feel better but it was too late, it took me a half hour to try not to cry, that darn lump would just not go away. They say if you start them young it's easier for them so I guess this wasn't early enough. The teacher has assured me that he will get used to it but it will take him sometime since he hasn't been anywhere but home in over a year. Both days when I picked him up he was exhausted looking and so relieved to see me. I would say excited to see me but the look is not of excitement and the whimpering noise he makes is not the sound of excitement either. I have discovered that my son sweats and gets red cheeks more than any other kid in his class. By looking at them all you would never know that the other children had been outside. He went to sleep shortly after I fed him after we got home and sleep his regular hour and a half today which was good. I am still picking him up early at 1130 for a few more times and then on the off days trying to get his naps later and later so eventually he can stay the full four hours. I really do hope that he starts to enjoy going and not cry as soon as he realizes where we are.
Jase has started using two word sentences which is very exciting! For example, the other day he said "Mama go?" for "Where did Mama go?". He is able to identify some colors. He knows red and knows that his train Percy is green and Thomas is blue. He likes to tell you what numbers he sees on his blocks or books or TV. He is also able to identify letters. His favorite is "O" and yesterday he said that "Z" was "N" which I thought was pretty cool because it is the same shape just turned to the side. I need to find or make some flash cards so we can practice more often.
Me at the end of my 35th week
. Jase fell in the kitchen and bonked his head. Within one minute this is what was on his forehead. NOT that you can notice anything else but look at that smile. UGH.
Needless to say I had a sick feeling in my stomach for sometime after that.
The doctor says it's good if they immediately get a bump and not to be alarmed at how big and quickly it appears. Fore warning for all those parents that haven't experienced this before.
I was attempting to get a shot of the mark the next day so this will do. MUCH better as you can see.
Could you just eat him up for breakfast, lunch, dinner and dessert??!!
He's getting sooo big...about 35 pounds now!!
This was another attempt to get the mark on his forehead and the red cheeks and sweat from playing at school. I thought for sure the mark would be huge and so noticeable but it barely showed up. Can't get a descent shot when I need it, he moves too fast for me now!
This is a video of my showing you how the stomach muscles seperate when pregnant. All I am doing is lifting myself up from laying down, kind of like a "crunch" movement. Some woman never get the muscles to go back together. FREAKY!! Jase's stomach does this same thing but not as big, I guess they don't fuse till later in life. Not sure what is happening to my video but here is a link to view it. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-1109628755528310808