Thursday, September 06, 2007

Nine Months Old

Jase had his nine month check up yesterday and he weighs 24.6 lbs and is 28 1/2 which to me equals...BUTTERBALL! He only got one shot which was so much better than the four he had gotten all the other times. When the doctor looked in his mouth at his gums all she could say was "oh wow"...which to meant..."holy cow he has a lot of teeth trying to come down and out!" Here is a little video that I took so you could see him crawl and stand, the rest was not part of the plan.


Anonymous said...

He´s trying his best to give mummy some work... ;-)

Anonymous said...

By the way! Isak was 24,7 Ibs when he was 9 moths!!! Almost the same!

Anonymous said...

Crawling AND standing must have been too much excitement for Jase! haha, sounds like he's doing great! -Sarah