Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Thirty Three (oops TWO) Weeks and Counting

Look at that big belly! I had a doctor's appointment today and things went well. Baby Ames likes to hang out mostly on the right and bottom part of my belly. The doctor is pretty sure that he is in the head down position but we could only know for sure if we did an ultrasound. My insurance only covers two ultrasounds and well, we had those done at 8 and 17 weeks. So I need to come up with a way to get the doctor to order another ultrasound for medical reasons so that we don't get charged for it. I have felt him have the hiccups almost everyday for the last couple of weeks. That is really funny and I was not sure how I would know when it happened but you can't mistake a soft consistent tap in your belly. What makes them get the hiccups in there anyway?? He is really filling up the space in my abdomen and starting to kick my ribs. Usually he kicks in both directions at the same time, the top and bottom of my belly. It is sooooo cool to feel him move and kick and poke in there. We can't wait to see the little fellow in about 7 weeks!!


Mrs. V said...

Oh, my gosh, I can't watch this, you look like you are going to explode (well, not really) but it makes me nervous. I can't wait for the plaster cast.
love you bunches,

Anonymous said...

Just out of curiosity, but how much does an ultrasound procedure cost?

mj said...

Cool. Your belly looks nice and round. How much bigger do you think you will get?

One of Eileen's friends from Spain is pregnant and her due date is December 5. I told her that my sister is due December 3. She's having a girl so I asked her if she had a name yet and she said yes. Guess what the baby's name will be? Carmen! Crazy, huh?

Unknown said...

You are really growing fast now! Only 7 weeks to go, exciting!

The baby gets hiccups because he swallows amniotic fluid to fast. He´s training so he will be able to eat when hes born.

Isak had alot of hiccups in my belly and that has continued after the birth :-)

It sounds so strange that you must pay for ultrasounds, here in Sweden all prenatalcare is free and you don´t have to have any insurance.

Anonymous said...

Getting bigger by the day now huh?!! Looking so good. So glad to see you last weekend:) Hope you like all of your new stuff.

love, ERIN